My exploration of Pride, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and its paradoxical counterpart - the Seven Heavenly Virtue of Humility, is a profound journey into the depths of human nature and morality. By meticulously planning and executing each piece, she delves into the raw essence of each sin and virtue, capturing their complexities and contradictions with raw honesty and insight.
The inclusion of the Heavenly Virtues alongside the Deadly Sins adds layers of depth and nuance to this work, highlighting the interconnectedness of these seemingly opposite forces. Through my paintings, I confront the ugly nature of both sin and virtue, challenging viewers to confront their own moral ambiguities and contradictions.
My exploration of these themes serves as a powerful reminder of the complexities of human existence and the eternal struggle between good and evil, virtue and vice. This art invites viewers to engage in introspection and reflection, prompting them to consider the ways in which these universal themes manifest in their own lives and experiences.
By capturing the essence of each sin and virtue with raw emotion and authenticity, I invite viewers to confront the darker aspects of their own nature while also embracing the potential for redemption and transcendence. My work serves as a testament to the enduring power of art to provoke thought, evoke emotion, and inspire transformation.
Julia asks: What is Ego the sin of Pride?
My exploration of the Ego as the sin of pride - the mother of all sins, is a poignant and thought-provoking examination of the destructive nature of ego and vanity. I endeavour to capture the essence of pride as a soulless apparition, consumed by its own reflection in the mirror of vanity.
The depiction of pride as a grotesque creation, lured into believing it deserves adoration and admiration above all others, serves as a powerful warning against the dangers of unchecked ego. In today's society, where social media often glorify self-promotion and narcissism, my portrayal of pride as a destructive force resonates deeply.
At its core, pride is portrayed as a distortion of humility, a virtue that keeps us grounded and connected to others. Yet, when taken to excess, humility can become self-consuming, leading individuals down a path of self-importance and entitlement.
The punishment for pride is to be broken on the wheel - serving as a stark reminder of the consequences of hubris and arrogance. I invite viewers to reflect on the role of pride in their own lives and to consider the importance of humility in fostering genuine connection and empathy with others.
How do I feel about Pride? An artist's journal into painting this deadly sin.
As we delve deeper into the painting, its intricate details come to life, and the true nature of Pride reveals itself. Pride emerges as a vain and self-absorbed creature, desperate to be admired and revered. It thrives on being idolised, feeding its insatiable desire through any means necessary. To sustain this delusion, it mutilates and distorts itself, becoming a grotesque parody of beauty, all in the name of being envied.
The peacock feathers, a timeless symbol of pride, adorn its head like a crown, enhancing its air of self-importance. Yet, beneath the facade lies nothing of substance. Its head is a mirror, reflecting only its own image and its equally hollow counterpart. Pride has no interest in inner worth—it worships the surface alone.
Opposite Pride stands Humility, but at its worst, even this virtue becomes twisted. When denied its way, humility devolves into self-pity, throwing a woeful spectacle to garner attention. In the game of ego, bruised Pride and sulking Humility feed one another, locked in a perpetual and toxic cycle—a cat-and-mouse game that serves only to inflate Pride once more.
In the shadows, the Devil watches, envious of Pride’s allure and influence. Armed with a club, he waits patiently, ready to break Pride upon the wheel of justice, an inevitable punishment for its arrogance.
Pride, oblivious to its fate, carelessly crushes a cross beneath its feet—a bold defiance against all that is good and sacred. Its followers mirror its arrogance, clambering at its feet, desperate to partake in its grandeur, to bask in its reflected glory. They, too, adorn themselves with Pride's symbols, seeking the same fleeting admiration. Yet, Pride’s existence hinges on a simple truth: it cannot stand alone. For Pride to thrive, there must always be someone watching, someone looking up in adoration.
Surrounding this spectacle are lush meadows and the untainted world of the free spirit. A paradise of peace and simplicity, untouched by the corruption of sin, stretches in every direction. Yet, it is forsaken. The choice to step into this world, to embrace freedom, remains ever-present, but few take it. Instead, we remain prisoners of our desires, ensnared by the allure of Pride and the illusion of fulfilment it offers.
It won't be long till this devilish painting is finished. Stay tuned.